Before launching the sale process for one of their portfolio companies, a global large cap buyout fund engaged Accellency to crystallise the equity story and get the management exit ready.
Accellency worked closely with the management and private equity team, leveraging their business plan and exit strategy, to sharpen and formalise the equity story and key financial highlights. Accellency also fully drafted an elevator pitch, talking points and key model Q&As for the management and private equity team to introduce the company in early side conversations with the financial community and anchor the equity story and investment case favourably. Finally, Accellency coached the management to prepare them for any pre-process investor meetings or calls in order to maximise impact and therefore anchor a higher valuation point.
Accellency’s systematic methodology got the management exit ready and all parties aligned with a clear Equity Story to engage with potential sales advisors and to start anchoring a strong investment case in the investment community.