Strategic Investor Relations advisory



An SBF120 company was looking for strategic advice on the positioning of its equity story in a new macro-economic environment and support ahead of its full-year results publication. Accellency reviewed multiple drafts of the earnings release, presentation and management speaking notes in the weeks leading up to publication, identifying areas for improvement and providing advice on communicating complex ideas and changes. Accellency also provided a set of expected challenging questions from analysts and investors, along with suggested model answers.


The advice enabled the client to better anticipate the likely market reaction to its release as well as being well prepared for the questions received during the earnings call and subsequent investor roadshow. Accellency’s comments on the release, speaking notes and presentation were incorporated into the final published documents, allowing the company to communicate its results more clearly and efficiently, which were met with a positive share price reaction. Accellency’s recommendations on the equity story continue to be deployed in quarterly publications and contributed to increased interest from a wider community of investors beyond the specialists historically most involved in the sector.

Large warehouse

APPROACH A listed company was preparing for a capital markets day, during which it planned to announce a new strategic and financial outlook. To ensure that this plan addressed the...

Server farms

APPROACH A leading listed digital media company was planning to host a hybrid capital markets day at a venue in London, simultaneously available over webcast for international analysts and investors....