Publications & Insights

Accellency publishes regular in-depth and short insight pieces, looking at the hot topics and major challenges facing investment funds, private and listed companies.

You can read them here.

Equity Stories: A critical tool for Exit Readiness

A clear equity story can help buyout-owned companies get exit ready and deliver a successful sales process at an attractive valuation. By focusing on exit preparations, leading GPs are taking control of portfolio liquidity early by positively impacting the perception of potential investors.

This document explains how Accellency’s Equity Story for Exit Readiness (ESTEXTM) methodology can benefit buyout GPs and their portfolio companies.

Accelerate your fundraising: Thought Leadership

Thought leadership has become a powerful pre-marketing tool for investment firms. In a crowded market, funds that fail to produce original, data-driven insights on their asset class, market, and strategy risk losing LP interest and missing out on commitments.

Accellency helps investment funds craft high-impact publications specifically targeted to LPs —delivering research-backed narratives that reinforce GPs’ positioning, drive engagement, and support future fundraising.

3 common pitfalls of DDQ & PPM production

In this new publication, how outsourcing can help avoid 3 common pitfalls of DDQ and PPM production:
1. Underestimating the disruption to your Investor Relations team
2. Using a copy & paste approach from your previous vintage
3. Failing to realise that greater competition means higher LP expectations

H big investigations challenges for listed companies

Eight big investor relations challenges for listed companies

In investor relations, the stakes are high and the margin of error is thin. Seizing the opportunities to promote your equity story while navigating the risks in listed markets has raised the stakes for management teams and IR professionals.

Private tech companies in unprecedented times

Private tech companies in unprecedented times

Do you have an investor relations strategy?

Not having an Investor Relations strategy has tremendous consequences and can lead to failed capital transactions, value impairment and eventually
operational failure.

Self-help guide to equity story techniques

A Self-help guide to Equity Story techniques

Equity story techniques apply and deliver value across all industries. No exception. 
It turns your business strategy into a financial narrative that appeals to investors and resonates with them, leveraging frameworks and concepts specifically designed to trigger investment decisions.


News & Updates

Our news section provides insights into recent developments, company achievements and industry trends that shape our business and the markets we serve. Stay informed about our latest activities and strategic initiatives here.

A clear equity story can help buyout-owned companies get exit ready and deliver a successful sales process at an attractive valuation. By focusing on exit preparations, leading GPs are taking control of portfolio liquidity early by positively impacting the perception of potential investors….
Amid the ESG backlash, this is probably the most common question we get from clients today. This issue is close to the top of the agenda for management and IR teams, in both investment funds and corporates across private and public markets….
Why are GPs now outsourcing their DDQs and PPMs? >> To minimise disruption to IR teams at a time when they need to be focused on meeting investors to raise funds….